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very true. much of that is thanks to the melody queen, madame noor jehan!

r u a fan of her's noor-e-sahar?!
Posted 12 Aug 2003


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indians probably come because we have better mela's worldwide. lol. some come for the entertainment, and it is these people who are welcome. but others r jealous and simply come to screw things up.
Posted 11 Aug 2003


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oh, and i 4got 2 answer your second question! the guy in larki punjban's name is shamyl khan. he's worked in drama's b4, and he looks quite younger than saima in the movie. it should be a hit nonetheless, if for no other reason than the quality (picture/sound etc.) is similar to bollywood movies.
Posted 11 Aug 2003


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this reply is in regards to Madiha718's comments in the MILLIONTH topic entitled 'is saima really a larki punjaban.'

madiha718, i already answered your question as to why i compared her to madhuri. you might have missed it tho since the topic has been locked. but once again...comparing her to madhuri makes sense. first things first, it got a discussion going, so right off the bat u can see it was a good idea (despite the lopsided vote in favor of madhuri)! secondly, they're similar in age, physique, their power in the industry, the fact that they work in the same field, and even up to their enterence into the feild is similar (madhuri came in and took out sri devi who was tops at the time, and saima came in and took out anjuman who was tops at the time (with a little outside help, since anjuman got married))lol. all these similarities combined with the fact that individually, saima beats every other lollywood actress in talent, and madhuri beats every bollywood actress in talent, why is it wrong to compare the two? if they have no competition in their respective industry (atleast in my opinion), why not compare them head to head?! that was my logic behind the comparison! why you would be outraged by it , is beyond me. lol. again, my main reason was to get a discussion going, on a DISCUSSION board! and thats what it did!! i have nothing against madhuri...u even noticed i stopped joking in the 2 or 3rd post and admitted that realistically madhuri gets the edge, DESPITE saima being pakistani. but still...i prefer saima, for that very reason in the end. so while madhuri IS better....i still like saima better! and i'm sure its the opposite with you. only difference is....i can give bollywood's ace her credit, while others can't give lollywood's her's. shame.

i'm glad to hear u don't have a problem with her tho. lol! atleast u can admit this, while others on this board can't even do that! calling her names like the ones i've seen here...oh man...low. anyhow...hope that answers your question and i hope you actually read this, since its in this forum and not the other!

Posted 11 Aug 2003


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buddy......FFM is locking the topics. not me.
Posted 11 Aug 2003


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.........JUST when i thought we were getting somewhere, and the saima talk we drawing to a close....'the one' pulls a stunt like this. /pat

will this anti-saima thing EVER end?

where r u FFM, man???!
Posted 11 Aug 2003


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of the choices...shahrukh is the runaway winner in my opinion. shaan's a close 2nd, while moammar rounds things up.
Posted 11 Aug 2003


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lol. regardless....the pakistani artists should be enough tho right?! u got humaira and jawad on the same show! thats good enough, atleast for me! who needs indian singers anyways?! what do u say?!
Posted 11 Aug 2003


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a little off topic, but mr. YDAKH, u mentioned lyrics being in urdu and good music. u also mentioned fariha pervez above...

have u heard the song 'aye zindagee' from her new album 'piya'?? outstanding music and superb lyrics. probably the best song in general so far this year. its the title song 4 the drama phela pyar. have u heard?
Posted 11 Aug 2003


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i agree with noor-e-sahar and ffm. (saima-election...LOL)! and ffm jee....u did a good thing by closing ALL those other topics in regards 2 saima. there must have been 3-4 topics that were the EXACT same, just the wording was different ('aurat punjaban', 'larki punjaban or aunty punjaban', the actual name, 'larki punjaban' and many more). and people posted these, just for the sake of putting saima down. how retarded is that?! if u don't like her...fine...but posting similar topics just to trash her?!?!?!

anyhow...u did good buddy. thanks. enough was enough!
Posted 10 Aug 2003


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so this is basically a pakistani concert then?! lol. not a combination concert?! hmmm...wierd. why did they print that article then?? maybe they might add names b4 showtime....??
Posted 10 Aug 2003


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this is true. u get more variety since there are 3 concerts with different artists, but at the same time, they should have spread out the dates!

as for the 'peace concert' it should not be called that then! from your list it seems like an exlusive pakisani concert with the exception of that one guy. i wonder why they released that article then in the daily times?!
Posted 10 Aug 2003


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lol. like i said....just making sure! it could have been some imposture using the same pic. /naughtylol. thanks!
Posted 10 Aug 2003


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out of curiosity.....tere naam....u're ayeshakhan_fanatic right?! u just changed u're name, thats all, right?! (just making sure).
Posted 10 Aug 2003


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thank you jee! i agree 100% that while the members of this board might not like or appreciate saima, its a different story in pakistan, and lahore specifically. she's not known as 'punjab di jaan' or 'punjab di gori' for no reason.

as for this NEW concert. TOBA TOBA!!! how many concerts in one country?! lol. in a way its good. since there are so many pakistani's in london, it makes sense to do lots of shows. the only problem is, people might not be able to attend ALL of them! so attendence might be effected for one or two. but hopefully they'll all do good. which one will u go to!?!?! my first choice would be the abrar one...followed by the peace show (only for humaira arshad) and finally this new one, with fuzon! that show should also be AWSOME! i heard fuzon sings completely live.
Posted 10 Aug 2003


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YDAKH, you're right (yet again) abt shabnum majeed and fariha pervez. both great voices. but humaira also has a good voice! common now!

and you're right that shabnum majeed sings most of the songs in Larki Punjaban, but one song is sung by humaira arshad. the song's name is 'rataan ayean chandaniaan.' u can hear it on the movie's website.
Posted 10 Aug 2003


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i have read that topic (anti-saima website), and i would rather stay out of it! i thought I was taking this saima thing too far (by talking about her all the time) but this guy has taken it to another level. lol. a website?!?!!! OOOOOOOOOKAY. if they want to waste their time....i certainly won't stop the author of that topic or the people who would actually visit that 'site.' they're crazy to think that directors will actually listen to them. LOL. but i read your comments, umair, and i must say....well done. you made a great point. if she was that bad, she would not be cast in movies. simple as that! you have some taste and common sense when it comes to saima. you don't like her, but you can atleast admit shes a good actress. if only more people could see things the way u do, on this saima issue. lol. and u can see, ive defended saima everywhere, and they keep opening up new topics on her. lol. they know my view, and i dont need to write it all over again, in another forum. but u keep up the good work!! i'm with you all the way!

as 4 reema.....i have heard abt this movie she's directing. i heard that in exchange for adnan sami doing the music for the film, reema will apear in one of his new music video's. not a bad deal!! and the movie is based on a chinese folk story. thats all i know! it should be good tho. reema looks like a smart lady/director!

Posted 10 Aug 2003


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the biggest singing names i see on that list are jawad ahmed and humaira arshad. i dont even know who sukbeer is?! and if this is supposed to be an india/pakistan combination concert, why is it that we're sending MAIN EVENT people, while india's sending backup dancers?!?!?! lol.

.....but then again, our singers are better anyhow, so i don't know who india could produce even if they wanted to send big names. lol.
Posted 09 Aug 2003


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very good point. uk has a very strong pakistani community and so if lollywood movies come there, bollywood would definately lose some audience. especially if good quality movies like YDAKH, larki punjaban, pehla pehla pyar, and so on are showcased there....
Posted 09 Aug 2003


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thank u! who do u think will be the main event at this peace concert?! by that i mean, who do u think will sing last?! abrar or dhaler mendhi!?! or someone else?!
Posted 09 Aug 2003


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good! way 2 support pakistani movies!! i know i'll go to watch ANY pk movie if it ever comes out here!
Posted 09 Aug 2003


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just 2 clear this up...i want it to be known, that of the saima-topics on this board.....i - the only saima fan here - have started one: saima vs. madhuri...the rest have been started by YOU PEOPLE (and by you, i mean the members in general)!!! if u don't like talking abt her, DON'T POST TOPICS ABT HER! LOL. its that simple. hai ke nahin?!?!!!
Posted 09 Aug 2003


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very much so, noor-e-sahar! it will be my first pakistani movie to watch which is of good quality, production wize! and humaira arshad sings in it, so i feel obligated as her fan to see the song picturised on her voice! lol. and then u add in the fact that lollywood's fate rests on this movie's shoulders (among other movies as well)...and becomes a must-see for me! how abt u?!
Posted 09 Aug 2003


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if only EVERYONE could see things like Noor-E-Sahar. i agree with you!
Posted 09 Aug 2003


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aur aapke plans kiya hain?! meeting family or mostly sight-seeing?!!? and how long has it been since u last went?!
Posted 09 Aug 2003


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teen bhai aap bhi kamaal kartay ho! first u say to end the saima talk and then u keep talking about her!!! i thought we decided to end it, especially me and u!?! lol.
Posted 09 Aug 2003


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mr. YDAKH, are u sure this movie is coming to theatres is CANADA on august 20th?! i heard abt the delay in pakistan, but i didn't know its coming overseas first! thats great news. finally a pakistani movie overseas!
Posted 09 Aug 2003


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do u have the exact dates for all these shows/concerts?? when is the abrar show, and when is the peace concert?! and when will they air on tv in london?! your help would be greatly appreciated!
Posted 09 Aug 2003


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the saima-conspiracy continues.....

well first things first...xoxuknowmexox....u need 2 read properly. i didn't compare saima to amir khan. i used him as an example to illustrate my dislike for him, but at the same time to show that he has many hits under his belt...enough to earn my respect, despite the fact i don't like him or his acting. never at any point did i compare saima to amir khan. that makes no sense.

as 4 u madhia718....whats there to be shocked abt?? lol. i posted the topic to generate a discussion...last time i checked, that is what most fourms are used for! and would u look at that...we have quite the discussion going! lol.

now...i chose two actresses from rival countries (religion and politics aside) and simply asked who everyone thought was better. they are similar in age, and they both were/are at the very top of their respective industry. whats wrong with comparing them??? you could say whatever you want abt saima, but she made her way to the top and same with madhuri. why compare madhuri to a lesser known indian actress, and saima with a lesser known pakistani actress when they individually blow them all out of the water - madhuri in bollywood, and saima in lollywood??? the next step is comparing them to each other. and thats what i did! lollywood and bollywood are rivals. while one is much better and has more resourses, they still consider each other a rival...maybe not competition (YET) but rivals nonetheless. that being said, why not compare one's ace to another's??

as far as the result of this just so happends that the majority of the people, regardless of wheather or not they are indian or pakistani like madhuri. no big deal! ya'll have u're choice and i have mine! end of story.

as for WHY i chose saima..whats not to understand?? i've answered the question a million times, and u answered your own question...i like saima cause i think she's the most talented actress in pakistan. i prefer pakistani movies, and as such, i prefer saima!

you said acting is a profession which involves opinions of the public, based on looks??? are you okay?? saima is not a model. you judge models primarily on looks. not ACTresses. they ACT. you judge them primarily on their ACTing. looks - no doubt are important, but not the first thing u judge actrors/actresses on. or atleast it shouldn't be...

i hope that answers your question(s). once again, i'm not trying to change anyone's mind. you have your view, and i have mine! no need to be 'outraged' by the comparison of these two. lol. i keep saying it over and over again.....u think madhuri or saima are losing any sleep over this?? lol.

as for you kabira.....speak for yourself buddy. NOT ALL PAKISTANI'S watch saima, or even non-saima movies for their skin. don't group everyone in the same category. if making fun of saima makes ya'll sleep easier, thats fine. but don't say ALL pakistani's watch her movies for her skin. thats just retarded....
Posted 08 Aug 2003


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umair16, larki punjaban was scheduled to come out this aug. 14 2003! but i'm hearing it might be delayed 1-2 weeks. u're right tho...the website says it was supposed to be out in 2002! i guess they had some setbacks. but all signs point to it coming to theatres in pakistan on independence day! and maybe even in london on the same day! will u go watch?!

as for lollywood websites, the best one is

other ones include: (has not been updated in a while tho), and

there is also, but they're updating...

hope that helps!
Posted 08 Aug 2003